Thursday, October 27, 2005

ich schnarche arggghhh

Was manchmal so per e-mail chat alles herauskommt....

An manchen trüben Tagen im Büro sind das die lustigen Dinge, die man braucht, um den Tag zu überstehen.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 3:32 PM
From: ai-leen

No. Ha ha
Thomas and I always noticed that Claudia falls asleep first and she snores.
Then you fall asleep and you snore. And in the morning when I wake up and come out of the room, both you and her are snoring but Olli doesn't.


-----Original Message-----
From: robbie

I guess you're mixing things up here - must have been Olli ;-) haha

-----Original Message-----
From: ai-leen

Ya! You and Claudia... like yin and yang!

-----Original Message-----
From: robbie

I do snore???????


-----Original Message-----
From: ai-leen

Then let's fly Hapag Lloyd!
I am all out for a cheap and good (cheap flight and good company) holiday!
I like doing Ausflüge with you. You are a very good travel companion (except when you snore. Ha hahah)

-----Original Message-----
From: robbie

Actually it's the better offer because germanwings will charge you the taxes...

-----Original Message-----
From: ai-leen

How come they have the same offer as german wings?

-----Original Message-----
From: robbie
Subject: Re: FW: Wir legen nach: 33.000 Ticketsfür 3 EUR* all inclusive!

[hlx newsletter]

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